How to Plan a Stag Do: Billy's Ultimate (and Hilarious) Guide

How to Plan a Stag Do: Billy's Ultimate (and Hilarious) Guide

Given that Billy's Ballbags was born from planning my best mates Stag Do back in 2016, it only seems fair that I share some of my top tips for planning your mates Stag!

So, your best mate is getting hitched and it's your sworn duty to give him a proper send-off into married life.

The stag do (or bachelor party for our friends across the pond) is an ancient ritual that dates back to...well, probably the first guy who decided to settle down and needed one last hurrah.

Fear not! We've got the ultimate guide to ensure this stag do is legendary. Let's get planning!

Step 1: Assemble the Wolf Pack
Every great adventure starts with a crew. Make a WhatsApp group, give it a ridiculous name, and add all the key players.
Remember to include the groom’s oddball cousin who might add some unplanned excitement.

Step 2: Set a Date
Now, this is where things get tricky. Trying to find a date that works for everyone is like herding cats. Check with the groom for any blackout dates (like his fiancée’s birthday) and then use a Doodle poll to figure out the best weekend. Pro tip: The more advance notice, the better. Nobody likes a stag do with half the crew missing.

Step 3: Choose a Destination
Where to go? Vegas? Prague? Your local pub? Here are some classic options:

- Las Vegas: For those who like their fun served with a side of gambling and glitz.
- Amsterdam: Perfect for a mix of culture, canals, and...other activities.
- Barcelona: Sun, Sea, and San Miguels. What’s not to love?
- Local Pub Crawl: Keep it simple and support your local economy. Plus, no need for passports!

Step 4: Plan Activities
You need a good mix of activities to keep everyone entertained and out of trouble (mostly). Here are some ideas:

- Daytime Shenanigans: Go-karting, paintball, brewery tours, or a good old game of golf. Keep it light and fun - you don't want to peak too early!

- Nighttime Antics: Clubbing, pub crawls, or renting a private space with a karaoke machine. Be sure to include at least one outrageous activity (male strip show, anyone?).

Step 5: Budget Like a Boss
Money talk. Make sure everyone knows the estimated cost upfront.
Nothing kills the vibe like surprise expenses. Set up a shared Google Sheet or use an app like Splitwise to keep track of who owes what.

Step 6: Handle the Logistics
Time to put on your project manager hat. Book the flights, hotels, and activities. Make sure you have transportation sorted out, whether it’s rental cars, taxis, or a party bus. And for the love of all things holy, double-check the booking confirmations.

Step 7: Pack the Essentials
You’ll need a few key items to ensure the weekend goes smoothly:

- Hangover Kit: Painkillers, water, and maybe some sunglasses for the next morning.
- Stag Do Uniform: Whether its group fancy dress or dressing the stag up in something silly, something well thought out always goes down well with the crowds! Check out my other blogs for some hilarious fancy dress inspiration!

- Phone Charger: You’ll want to capture all the memories (or have enough juice to call for help).

Step 8: Keep the Groom Alive
Your main job: return the groom in one piece. Assign a “designated survivor” each night to keep an eye on him. No lost groom, no angry fiancée, no problem!

Step 9: Have Fun (But Not Too Much Fun)
Remember, the goal is to have an epic time, not to end up on the news. Enjoy the moment, make some great memories, and perhaps even learn a lesson or two along the way.

Step 10: Wrap It Up
At the end of the weekend, make sure everyone gets home safely. Share the best (and most appropriate) photos in the group chat.
There you have it! Follow these steps, and you’ll pull off a stag do that will go down in history. Just remember, what happens on the stag do, stays on the stag do (unless it’s too good not to share). Cheers!
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